Big News!!

After more than 10 years of blood, sweat and tears The Other Boys of Summer is having it's debut. The Cooper Union in NYC approached us over the summer asking if they could premiere the film as part of their public programs. Together we chose Jackie Robinson's 100th birthday, January 31, 2019. The event will feature the film as well as a Q&A with the Director (me) and 2 of the players from the film. The film is 42 minutes which was not planned, but the synchronicity isn't lost on us. There are a few sponsorship opportunities available. Please email me for info about how you can be part of the NYC premiere.
I'm very excited to finally be able to use the film to bring people together and inspire!! We've created various programs to bring the film to corporations and organizations as a Team Building / Diversity & Inclusion program. The response has been phenomenal. Please reach out if you'd like us to bring the program to your group. We're also getting requests from Universities, community organizations, museums and schools nationwide. We're doing our own version of a barnstorming tour. Drop us an email and hopefully we can bring The Other Boys of Summer to your hometown. Happy Holidays!!! Lauren