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Feeling Hopeful, Ready to Inspire

Wrapped up 2020 having met many people virtually. We were humbled by the incredible individual feedback and media coverage we received about how our film and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Program touched people, motivated them and created opportunity for important conversations. We worked with over 2 dozen organizations and communities to offer the program to their groups. We reached thousands of people of all races and ages. One consistent thing that happened after every program was people reached out to say "Thank You". Many knew nothing about the Negro Leagues before our film while others were baseball or history fanatics. Either way the film touches people because it's a human story. It's the story of resilience, humility, passion and triumph.

We're beginning 2021 reinvigorated with hope as we talk with people daily about bringing our program to their groups. We hope you'll join us on our journey to unite, educate, inspire and celebrate these unsung civil rights trailblazers. Reach out to ask us how we can collaborate to help you amplify diverse voices and create opportunities to unite, inspire and succeed.

To quote the late great Minnie Miñoso, "If you think it's possible, you make it possible".

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