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Strength & Resilience

The Pandemic has definitely impacted our ability to gather together in person and celebrate, but that will not stop us from honoring the legacy of the civil rights trailblazers. We draw strength from the resilience of the men and women who pursued their dreams in spite of the circumstances.

The 100th anniversary of the first Negro National League game was acknowledged over the weekend with a 2 page write up in Newsday. The Negro Leagues Baseball Museum and The Other Boys of Summer are both very disappointed that we cannot shine the spotlight on the players during this Centennial the way would like to, however, we will continue to innovate and create ways to inspire and offer hope to people the best we can. We are now offering our Diversity & Inclusion program to companies and organizations virtually. Our online version of the program launched to rave reviews because it provided people with something positive and a place to forget about the virus for awhile and be entertained. We all need an escape and we're proud to offer that as well as so much more. Here are just a few comments of the many we received from our virtual program.

"Congratulations! It’s magnificent. The details, the music, the authenticity of the memories."

"This is tremendous! Thank you, Lauren, for making this film. I could listen to those stories for days."

"Thanks for having the virtual session. We need more of these."

"Thank you all. That was wonderful!! Best wishes for everyone to get through this pandemic safely."

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Be an ally. Together we will build bridges, amplify diverse voices, unite and inspire. 
Join us in honoring these civil rights trailblazers, celebrating their legacy and making a positive impact TODAY! 

Tumbleweed Pictures

450 7th St.  Unit 1H

Hoboken, NJ 07030


Executive Producer

Lauren Meyer


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The Other Boys of Summer ©2025

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